When Remedy reached out to me with an offer to trial their new Digestion, Immune+ and Energy shots I said yes without thinking too much about it. Like many people raised on a steady feed of short-form internet content, I've come to worship at the altar of intestinal health. I watch those clear-eyed, dewy-skinned, macro-laden social media gods pile their plates high with kimchi and kale, nodding silently as they preach about gut flora, stabilised blood sugar and over-flowing energy levels.
I believe them.
I believe that their carefully tended tummies hold hidden secrets that could unlock long lives, healthy minds and let’s face it…good looks.
Then I put down my phone and return to my own life of discounted late afternoon pastries and special edition Tim Tams, knowing that my body holds no such secrets. Most of the time I'm just happy if it’s not holding too many biscuit crumbs.
But this range offered a glimpse at a possible new era for me. A chance to jump-start my body and brain while hopefully also avoiding what does low-key seem like a lot of work and kale massaging.
Side note: Isn’t it funny how food and health influencers always manage to cut their overflowing sink of dishes out of frame?
The Remedy range of shots is simple and designed to serve as a selection of convenient boosters to get you across the day.
Immune+ is a little punch of Vitamins A, C, B6 and other goodies. I found myself reaching for it first thing in the morning as a zingy entree to breakfast. It joined the existing army of multivitamins that I employ each day in an effort to fight off the stresses of the modern world without actually changing any of my behaviours to meaningfully combat said stresses.
It was like a considerably tastier green smoothie – except without the problem of having to clean a blender or admit that you’re the kind of person who drinks green smoothies.
Even my boyfriend – who lives his life like Kevin McCallister – took a shine to them, regularly swiping one and devouring it with the enthusiasm of a kid dipping into a lolly bowl.
Usually, about an hour later I’d turn to Energy, which incredibly has managed to replace my usual late morning coffee. That’s no small victory, considering that spot has been held for at least a decade.
Containing 60mg of caffeine from green coffee beans, green tea and ginseng it provided a much-needed kick without the steep ascent and crash that my usual filter subjects me to. It also tasted like berries, which on a warm summer morning felt more appropriate than a boiling hot mug of blackness. Overall, it was all the buzz with none of the jitters.
Finally, we arrive at Digestion (my personal favourite) that’s made up of apple cider vinegar (ACV), lemon juice, a prebiotic, and ginger. This fiery little guy tastes like health in a bottle but is also somehow delicious. You can almost feel the good vibes shining through you as it (pleasantly) tingles down your throat and tummy.
It also came to form a nice little ritual at the end of the day. I’d sip it as a very wholesome aperitif. Not only did it settle my stomach, which as established, often takes a beating. It also provided a mental trick of telling me it was time to wind down my grazing ways. I found myself snacking less late at night as if my stomach and endless appetite had been gently put to bed.
Now I’m a real person, and not a bot trying to sell you supplements on the internet, so I’m not going to say that my brain, body and lower intestines were totally transformed over two weeks of drinking these little guys. But I did feel better!
Starting the day with the Energy and Immunity shots gave me a pleasing amount of pep that, as mentioned, I didn’t later pay for with a caffeine or sugar crash. It was also a relief to know that even when my breakfast didn’t live up to the highest nutritional goals (there’s calcium in cream cheese right?) I was still putting something of value into my system first thing.
The Digestion shot was probably the one that made the biggest difference though. Again, as a lifelong evening snacker, I used to go to bed with a grumbling tummy that sounded as if it was trying to ask me in morse code “why do you do this to us?” But with this little nightcap, all was silent and still.
Overall, I can confidently say these are the least-regrettable shots I’ve ever done! If only every flavourful shooter made you feel this good…